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“The Seventh Son”…

…Is it “prophecy” written as fiction…or prophetic fact that predicts the world’s next reality…?

As the world moves towards a cataclysmic end of days, the blockbuster “Seventh Son” trilogy should be on every 21st Century Christian’s  survival list!

“Barry Munson’s trilogy, The Seventh Son, overflows with excitement, action, suspense, and biblical prophetic accuracy. His thrillers read like a current newspaper seen from a compelling end-times perspective. Every student of prophecy must read this series.”

~Dr. Larry Keefauver, Bestselling Author and International Teacher

Book One: The Seventh Son: The Judgment Scroll, Book Two: The Beginning of Sorrows, Book Three: End of Days and Book Four: Messiah

Hear the words of the warrior, guardian angel, Parthos, as he lends his perspective on the times that have spawned The Seventh Son series.

“Countless ages upon ages…in the distant past of eternity, this planet was created by the matchless Elohim, God of all creation. In His infinite wisdom…the planet Earth was strategically chosen to be the proving ground for the futility of all will opposing His own. Of course none of us recognized that at the time.”

“This planet, Earth, had been given to the highly created one, Lucifer, to base his governance of the entire cosmos from and all was good. Later…as his pride lifted him, he boldly asserted that he would unseat Elohim, the Most High God, and take His throne. That declaration brought an immediate response and judgment against this planet, the home base of Lucifer, leaving Earth, a wreck and a ruin. After many, many ages…only in the most recent past…did King Elohim return to this planet and the age of man was born, and, like Lucifer before him…mankind too…chose to follow their own light and wisdom, and rule themselves.”

“Come along now and share the experiences of the last days of man’s corrupt rule, through the eyes of some of us close to the epicenter of this wreckage. For quite some years, humanity has been intuitively aware that the end of this age was growing nearer. Recently, the evil tide of brutality has risen to affect unprecedented numbers of people, even swelling in genocidal hatred of the people of the tiny strip of land known as Israel. An iteration of this hatred, always turned inward, toward apathy and self-loathing, has spawned the widespread…flood…of the soul-deadening trade in human flesh and reality masking use…of…many substances. The oppressive dream and hope-killing rule and regulation of evermore centralized and tyrannical governments, were all sign-posts…largely ignored by apathetic pleasure-seeking souls the world over. Yet…the loving wisdom of Elohim moved to allow warnings in the ground beneath man, the air above man, and even inside the bodies of man. Those warnings have grown in frequency and intensity as this time of testing approached…yet…were largely dismissed and did not achieve the desired effect…of turning the hearts of man to their Creator.”

“Follow along with me now and watch as a charismatic political star rises out of Turkey to dominate the world’s political, economic and even the ecumenical stage. The Seventh Son unfolds the story of an emerging hero fighting against the oppressive chaos of these days and a love story that is born fighting against the darkness of overwhelming despair in a dying world. Please pray for the newly adopted sons and daughters of Elohim and even for guardian warriors, like myself, as we do our best to guard them from the clutches of the evil one. Even now, the battle intensifies and we must battle against the fallen-forces of the dark king as they find themselves increasingly confined to this tiny planet.”

The Seventh Son Series

The Seventh Son: 

The Judgment Scroll

Book One introduces Zola, Nick and Hannah and their response as the world experiences what appears to be an incredible, globe altering loss of life. As the instituions of man crumble a charismatic new leader, Nuri Gilani, begins his ascent to global power.

The Seventh Son:

The Beginning of Sorrows

Book Two follows our characters through the violence of the early days of Daniel’s seventieth week of years and introduces two iconic Prophets, Moses and Elijah, who teach us as they give first person accounts of events they lived through while on Earth.

The Seventh Son:

End of Days

Book Three follows our actors through the chaotic events of the first half of the last seven years of man’s rule and how God uses spectacular miracles alongside the unfolding judgments of Revelation to call people of all earthly origins to faith in Jesus.

The Seventh Son:


Book Four picks up God’s greatest deliverance of the Hebrew people since the Red Sea crossing. Messiah tracks our characters through the last three and a half years of God’s greatest wrath against which He contrasts against His greatest miracles.  


Barry, about the time I finished reading Books One and Two the Middle East blew up…yikes! You are a masterful storyteller! The players are genuine, human, three dimensional, and all with imperfections. I can’t help but identify with many of them in ways that make me think you are a mind reader as well as a storyteller! You effectively communicate faith in Jesus and personal growth through these characters in a more convincing way than a hundred evangelists! I can’t wait for Book Three!

Barbara R. Montana

I have to confess that it took me a long time to read your books. They are filled with so many things to contemplate, and I have enjoyed each storyline so much. I was stopped by the dialogue of the angels, (Parthos, Ella and even bad angel, Malchus) and the speeches of Moses and Elijah, they each gave me so much to think about. I have really enjoyed the reading and taking my time pondering all the perspectives. Your writing in this story has taught me things I can’t even find words to express. I’m excited to get Book Three !

Wendy S. CO


I was going to start Book Three and figured I would re-read books one and two. I found so many nuggets of God’s truth woven into the story that I somehow missed on my first reading, that it amazed me.  If nobody has said it yet, I think this should be a movie. These have been my favorite books outside the Bible, I’ve never read any story quite like this, it is really unique. I think it’s the way that God’s truth is able to seen through each of the people in the story. I’m not sure how to tell you that your story has really gotten to me, but I believe God is doing something through you.  

Carl B. Minnesota


I just finished book three and, once again, you have finished another great story about The Great Story. I continue to be as astonished today as I was when I read Books One and Two. Your inspired ideas flow so naturally that I have stopped and wondered ‘Who is this guy?’ There are layers of rich text and in a book that needs to convey cruelty and violence, I appreciate your ability to bring it to the page without being horrific, I wish other authors would emulate that skill. Thank you for your stories that succinctly tell of the opportunities and challenges that God puts in our path while creating stories and characters no one will ever forget.  

Barbara R. MT

About the Author

Barry is the author of The Seventh Son series, Book One: The Judgment Scroll; Book Two: The Beginning of Sorrows and Book Three: The End of Days and Book Four: Messiah. The author has been a General Contractor for over thirty-five years building luxury lake homes and also office and commercial spaces. He has been married for forty-seven years to his childhood sweetheart, Christy. Together, Barry and Christy have three godly sons each married to equally godly and beautiful women and from these marriages the Lord has knit-together nine awesome grand-children…so far.

The author began this series under what he believed to be the inspiration of God. The thought of a project of this magnitude was a daunting challenge for a carpenter with little of the skills necessary for its telling, but as always happens when God tasks someone with a mission, He always gives everything needed at just the right time. That help showed up first in 2011, with wise counsel and encouragement from his bride, Christy and later in the form of extraordinarily patient editing by Dr. Larry Keefauver and Dr. Maureen Haner. God is always faithful!

It is the author’s sincere hope that the unfolding of the story crafted here will pull back the curtain on the invisible realm and inspire, teach and motivate the reader with an increased awareness of the loving plans and great lengths to which God goes to turn each of us back to Himself.


Jackie Monaghan

615-390-0792 Direct


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PO Box 546 Park Rapids, MN 56470


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